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Interview & Photos: Times Like These

Interview by Jamary Bobe
Photos by Matthew Flood

How long have you guys known each other/ been a band?

Me (Mike) and Eddie have known each other since high school but TLT has been a band for a little over three years. We actually met our drummer Cody at our first ever show and four months later he joined the band. 

How did you come up with your band name?

Our band name comes from a lyric in an old All Time Low song called Noel. The lyric is “Times Like These feel so dangerous”. 

What's your favorite part about performing?

My favorite part about performing live is seeing how happy everyone gets, we’re obviously happy cause we get to play our music but seeing people get hyped over our band and feeling the energy change when we play is such an indescribable feeling. It’s really great. 

What city are you guys looking forward to play in?

Our favorite cities to play are probably Boston and Philly. The fans and people there always make us feel at home. 

Who are some of your musical inspirations?

Right now I would say we are being heavily inspired by pop music. Bruno Mars, Charlie Puth and Dua Lipa are all people we’re taking inspiration from with the new record. Finding ways to bridge the gaps between their world of music and our world of music is something the three of us are very excited about. 

What inspires you to write music?

It honestly depends on where we all are mentally and what’s going on in our lives. You can usually tell how we’re doing in our lives based on the music we’re releasing at the time. 

Any memorable shows so far?

Two really special shows that we hold close to us are when we sold out our EP release show last May and when we played with With Confidence to a sold out crowd in New York. 

Where do you see Times Like These within the next year?

Honestly, we don’t know! That’s kinda the fun of it. But, all we can say is we have no intention of stopping our grind any time soon and you will be seeing a lot of new music from us next year. 


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