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Interview & Photos: Alfie Templeman

- Interview & Photos by Tatiana Whybrow

Were you nervous to release your newest single ‘Sunday Morning Cereal’ due to how dissimilar it is to your other pieces of work?

AT: I wasn’t that nervous to release Sunday morning cereal because I have always been interested in changing my sound. I actually felt that releasing something completely different to my previous works was long overdue.

Is this new style prominent in any other tracks from your new EP, or was it purely experimental?

AT: I think the other ones on the EP are a bit more normal compared to the title track. I wanted to make the title track just something completely out of the ordinary and really wow my listeners. It’s kind of like the center-point of the EP and that’s why it is named Sunday morning cereal.

Where did the idea for the obscure cereal bowl album artwork come from?

AT: The cereal bowl idea came from a group of people named “bedroom project.” We were thinking of ways we could portray myself in cereal while showing the text. This just happened to be the most artistic portrayal.

Has anything in particular inspired the lyrics for your new songs?

AT: Nothing in particular has inspired the new lyrics, it’s more just a flicker of everything going on in my life. For example leaving school and saying goodbye to friends that I might no longer see as much or at all is an example of why some of the songs were more downbeat etc. 

You’ve recently been on your first few tours with Gus Dapperton and Sundara Karma. How was it to play shows in venues like that for the first time, especially at your age [16]?

AT: Yeah, the shows are insane. I’ve enjoyed every second because it opens me up into meeting new people and entertaining a large amount of people. 

Do you see yourself headlining a tour anytime soon?

AT: I don’t see myself headlining tons of gigs at all yet because I’m not ready myself more than the people aren’t ready for me to do that kind of thing if you get what I mean. However I’m happy to be doing things like headline release shows for my EP and other little things like playing the local record store. 

What would you like to say to our readers who may never have heard of you before?

AT: Thanks for reading all of this! Well I assume you have since you’re at the bottom. Check out my music if you like indie stuff, but if not carry on with sweet life.


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